The user who may wish to cancel or modify his scheduled session must inform as soon as possible by calling 2102710044.
If there is a possibility of change, the user is informed about it and the changes are applied. More detail:
Modifications: Modifying your session, i.e. increasing or decreasing the length of your sessions as well as adding or removing people who will receive our services is possible subject to availability. For your best service, you can discuss any modifications with either our call center (2102710044) or your massage therapist.
Cancellations: It is possible to cancel your session up to forty minutes (40 minutes) before the scheduled time. In the event that your session is canceled within forty minutes (40 minutes), you will be charged 50% of the total value of the session*.
If the amount of the session has already been total paid, then the refund is made by crediting the client’s account with 50% of the total value of the session*.
Event or prepayment: When we have an event in the store or for any reason (e.g. frequent cancellations, avoidance of cancellations, etc.) we have requested prepayment, in case of cancellation or transfer of the appointment, after the prepayment you will be charged with 50% of the total value of the session*
* 50% of the total value of the session goes to the massage therapist as a minimum compensation and to the spa center, for expenses and any other appointments not taken to be able to serve you.